the booking secretary
mob: 07920 130422
Email: [email protected]


As some of you will know, we have been working to provide all our customers a streamlined way of viewing, booking and controlling their bookings.
With this aim in mind we are introducing a new way of viewing the hall diary to show room usage and availability throughout the year.
I’m therefore introducing to you all to Hallmaster, which we hope will improve all aspects of controlling bookings, from raising requests to viewing payments.
We will obviously still offer our normal service for those who prefer, but we also believe this brings a step change you all, our customers, and ourselves; the key improvements are;
  • It’s web based via our website which allows current and prospective customers the ability to see our full diary live.
  • Existing and new customers can make their own booking requests online.
  • You will all have your own customer account which allows you to add, remove or revise your own bookings.
  • Your own account also means you have your own statements in terms of invoices and payments – all on demand.
  • Enhanced communications with respect to confirmations and payment receipts.
Hallmaster also brings advantages to, in particular the Bookings Officers role;
  • Significantly reduces the time taken to process bookings. Confirmations, invoices and receipts are entirely generated by Hallmaster – all of these are produced and sent out in split seconds automatically… there is no paperwork to file or pdf’s to produce and send out by attaching to emails – WoW!.
  • Much simpler invoice production… takes hours out this really tedious process. Invoice errors should be virtually eliminated.
  • We now have multiple access to the booking database as administrators, myself, Robin, Chris and John so we can all try to resolve issues should / when they arise.
  • Payments received will be placed directly against invoices issued so that data is all in the same place.
  • There’s a load of new reporting capabilities, usage of rooms, projected income per room – and many more designed to improve the efficiency of the hall.
For regular users, I have your accounts ready to use and get used to, so when you’ve had a look at the diary I can send you a confirmation email on request for you to activate your account.
I’d like to think we are moving forward together, please call me if you have any doubts or queries.

To access this system click on this link ONLINE BOOKING or on the button below.


Standard Charges 2024
RoomCharge to residents of
Rudby Parish
£ per hr (inc. vat)
Charge to non-residents
£ per hr (inc. vat)
Main Hall18.0021.00
Leven Room14.5017.50
Tarran Room14.5017.50
Johnson Room14.5017.50
Kitchen13.00 per let16.00 per let
Special Charges 2024
RoomCharge to residents of
Rudby Parish
£ (inc. vat)
Charge to non-residents
£ (inc. vat)
Childrens Party (1)(2) see notes below45.0050.00
Wedding Weekend (3) see notes below750.00
Marquee hire per day/WE(3) see notes below725.00
Regular/Club Users Discounts
UsersSession hours User Group DiscountRevised Session Cost £
Art Class3.020%34.80
Ballroom Dancing1.520%25.20
Dramatic Society20%Main Hall 14.40 per hr
JR LR TR 11.60 per hr
Garden Club2.010%26.10
Mothers and Toddlers1.520%21.60
Pre-School Music1.020%11.60
Yoga Tuesday1.520%17.40
Yoga Thursday1.520%17.40
Additional Facilities
Additional facilities can be provided to the rooms as follows:

The hall manager can provide a fully managed bar by arrangement.

Stage Productions:
A stage extension, stage lighting and microphone/PA system is available.

Weddings and special events:
The main hall can be equipped with an internal marquee, chandeliers and special lighting effects to make a special ambience for that special occasion.

Preparation and clear-up facilities:
While hirers are expected to set up their own equipment- tables and chairs etc, and to clear up after themselves, this service can be provided by prior arrangement with the hall manager.

For the charges for these additional facilities please contact the booking secretary, (07920 130422) or hall manager, (07900 651053)
(1) Use of any 2 of the Leven , Tarran, Johnson Rooms + Kitchen for 2½ hrs
(2) Applies for children of primary school age.
(3) Use of the whole building from 19.00 Friday to 12.00 Sunday.)
Room Capacities
Fire regulations limit room capacities to the following numbers.
Main HallDining/Seated137
Main HallTheatre/Panto with stage extension254
Main HallPop/Dance/Standing274 (34/138)*
Johnson RoomDining/Seated/Pop/Dance/Standing60 (22/60)*
Tarran RoomPop/Dance/Standing134 (19/75)*
Tarran RoomDining/Seated67
Leven RoomPop/Dance/Standing60 (15/60)*
Leven RoomDining/Seated54
StageTheatre/Panto with stage extension63
CORONAVIRUSnumbers in parentheses are room capacities based upon floor area assuming either 2 metre or 1 meter social distancing
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